"Let me lead you down a path that goes a different way... Where loving care and affection will bring a brighter day!"

Website built and designed by - Delmarva Business Network 877-336-6360 All rights reserved
CPR Merchandise
We gratefully acknowledge the help within our network of other rescues across the country, who have helped support our efforts in saving Chincoteague Ponies.

We have received many phone calls and emails from many fine folks across the U.S. and Canada who have offered their support and their facilities if we are ever in their area of the country.

It is very reassuring to know there are people who care and support us,
for their love of the ponies!

Thank you all so very much!

4" x 4"
CPR Decal
50/50 Hoodie
50/50 Sweat Shirt
50/50 Tee Shirt
3" x 11" Bumper Stickers
Updated information of the rescue is posted on our Facebook page daily. We currently have over 2,400 regular viewers across the United States, Canada, Mexico, South Korea, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom and Australia.

The rescue conducts several raffles and auctions throughout the year with items that have been donated. Many other fundraisers are planned to help with the expense of transporting, veterinary care, farrier, feed and hay. The approximate cost per pony is $1,500 for one year. Other expenses include building shelters, fencing, pastures and printed material to help educate the public regarding proper treatment and care of the ponies.